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  • Writer's pictureJaimie Simmons

Tips for Keeping Your Indoor Cat Happy

Updated: Jan 20

Indoor cats rely on their humans for everything. As a cat care taker, it is up to YOU to create an environment that stimulates both their physical and mental well-being! Sounds overwhelming, but it's not if you follow these steps to ensure your indoor cat leads a happy and fulfilled life:

1. Enrich the Environment:

- Provide a variety of toys that mimic hunting behaviors, such as interactive toys or puzzle feeders.

- Create vertical spaces with cat trees or shelves for climbing and exploring.

Try the NUNU LAB Cat Wall Shelves to make your living space more exciting for kitty!

2. Regular Playtime:

- Dedicate time each day to engage in interactive play with your cat using toys like feather wands or laser pointers.

- Cats have a natural instinct to stalk and pounce, so encouraging these behaviors through play can keep them mentally stimulated.

I love my Saolife Automatic Cat Laser because it goes off for 10 min every hour and a half and keeps my cat stimulated when I'm not around!

3. Window Views:

- Place perches or cat trees near windows to allow your cat to observe the outside world. Bird feeders or a bustling street can provide entertainment.

- Consider a bird feeder outside the window to attract birds, providing your cat with a live show.

4. Safe Outdoor Access:

- If possible, create a secure outdoor space like a catio (cat patio) where your cat can enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors without the risks.

You can also take them on walks with a cat harness or a cat backpack so you can keep them close while they get outdoor stimulation!

5. Companionship:

- Cats are social animals, so ensure you spend quality time bonding with your feline friend.

- Consider adopting a second cat if your current pet enjoys the company of other cats.

6. Scratching Posts:

- Cats have a natural instinct to scratch. Provide scratching posts or pads to satisfy this behavior and save your furniture.

My Cleo loves this Natural Sisal Pad Cat Scratching Board because it also has a Pom Pom on a spring she can pounce on!

7. Hide and Seek:

- Create hiding spots using cozy cat beds, blankets, or even cardboard boxes. Cats often appreciate having a quiet space to retreat to.

8. Routine and Predictability:

- Cats thrive on routine. Feed your cat at the same time each day and keep their litter box clean.

- Predictability helps create a sense of security for indoor cats.

This Smart Automatic Cat Feeder has made keeping to a feeding schedule so easy!

9. Grooming Sessions:

- Regular grooming not only keeps your cat's coat healthy but also strengthens the bond between you and your feline friend.

10. Catnip and Treats:

- Spice up your cat's life with catnip-infused toys and occasional treats. These can add an extra element of excitement to their day.

These Silverine Chew Sticks are my cat's new obsession!

Remember, every cat is unique, so observe your furry friend's preferences and adjust your approach accordingly. With a thoughtful approach to their environment and interactions, you can ensure your indoor cat lives a content and happy life.

What are YOUR tips about keeping your indie cat happy? Let me know in the comments!

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