Cats naturally have home ranges much larger than a house - or if you’re like me, a one-bedroom apartment - and experience much more stimulation and excitement in nature. Taking your cat out of the house can help reduce boredom and increase brain stimulation. Get those neurons firing! 🐱
It’s also an incredible bonding activity between you and your cat, and you wouldn’t believe how many people light up when they see a cat 😄
1. Get kitty used to a cat backpack
Leave it out and open with treats and catnip inside. Enticing your cat to enter and become comfortable in the backpack helps reduce stress once it’s adventure time!
2. Practice putting your cat in the backpack
Put your cat inside (back legs first!) and close up the backpack. Then go for brief car rides, like to a drive thru. Make sure to use the seat belt for the backpack!
3. Gradually increase trip length
Take kitty on short excursions, gradually increasing the time and commotion of each trip. Allow kitty time to get used to all the stimulation that leaving the house comes with.
Have you tried putting your cat in a backpack? Let me know in the comments below!